Building Brands and Brand Nations. Demystifying SEO, Part 2.

Google is constantly refining its’ search algorithms to help users find valuable content.

Along with Google, the popular WordPress web site architecture and SEO plug-ins are helping search engines recognize relevant information and allowing users to create SEO-friendly content within their blog posts as well.

There are two other SEO-defining elements that might be overlooked. These two items will help search engines recognize your valuable content and improve your web site’s SEO.

1) Above the URL area is your web site title. Your title is one of the most important elements of SEO. It should be a concise ten-word description that both defines your product category and states your brands’ unique value proposition. Creating an effective title takes some skill, artistry and time.

2) Your h1 and h2 phrases are like topic sentences or subheads that summarize your value proposition. It’s likely that these will use some terms that are somewhat common and generic to your customer and your product category. The more difficult task here is to begin to incorporate language that differentiates your brand from all the others. And that’s the real art required for writing for the web.

SEO helps your customers find you. It also finds all your competitors as well.
By creating a strong brand, you help define why you, above all the others, are the better choice for you customers.

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